Friday, April 2, 2010


Well as many of you know we placed an offer on a house and the seller agreed!!!!! We were soooo excited!!!!!!

So we just had the inspection and they unfortunately found some water in the crawl space, along with a few other issues. The crawl space is the main problem since there is about 4" of water in some places! So we are asking the sellers to fix the problems before we purchase it. Now whether or not they will agree to do that is another story! So we are just keeping our fingers crossed that they will because if they dont we cant afford to fix them ourselves (and its something that HAS to be fixed otherwise the house would get moldy and rot) and therefore would have to pull our offer and not buy the house :(

We are really hoping that they will agree to fix the problems because JC and I LOVE the house!! Its perfect for us!!

1 comment:

  1. Bahhh YAY!!! SO exciting! Keep me posted on how things go!!!! Congrats!
