Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Well folks it is done...not officially BUT today was the last day of my last rotation!! So now whats left you ask....Graduation on April 17th and then taking my Boards (yikes!!!).

It seems like just yesterday that I had graduated from Carroll, JC moved to Tucson to start his new job and I moved back home to WA. I thought my live was over!! I have never been so miserable! I didn't know when I would see JC next because we were both too poor to afford airline tickets and I wasn't accepted into PA school and I was stuck back at home living with my parents with literally $50 to my name. I think I cried daily for about 2 months and I would physically hurt I missed JC so much....but my dad always told me when he found me crying in my room..."Christie all this pain and misery will be well worth it one day. You will be a successful PA, JC will have a great job as an engineer and you two will once again be in the same town again". While I appreciated all my Pops efforts to cheer me up I always felt like that day would never come. Well, despite a long and at times unbearable past two and a half years, that day that I use to dream about is quickly approaching!!! It is hard to believe because these past few years were the hardest Ive had to deal with ever, but JC and I survived and now I have a ton of wonderful things to look forward too: I'm graduating, I start work soon, JC and I are working on buying our first house together. Plus the wedding is quickly approaching!! While trying to survive PA school and maintain a long distance were by no means easy....they are doable if you put your mind to it!

So I guess the ol'man was right after all!!! All the hardship that JC and I have gone through will finally we worth it! We cant wait to be married, living together and looking forward to a long life of happiness (with no more distance or school involved:) ).

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